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Ayurvedic Assessments

Ayurvedic Assessment


On-line or In Person in London, Ontario 


2  Hour Appointment,


1 Hour Prep and Follow Up


$230 (includes tax)




Assessment of your Current Diet and Causative Factors of Imbalance 


Identification of Nutritional Deficits and Foods/Herbs to include for Health


Identification of Problem Foods


Identification of Lifestyle Imbalances


Strategies for Balancing and Healing.


May Include some Cooking Instruction if Needed.



Ayurvedic Coaching

Online and In-Person


Do you have a health problems that inhibit your quality of life?


How would you feel if you could solve that problem?


If you are serious about improving your health, and you are willing to make changes to your diet and lifestyle,


You may be ready for the:


8 Week Ayurvedic Coaching Program

Includes Ayurvedic Assessment

*Tailored Specifically to Your Needs

*Proven by modern science and backed by thousands of years of results.

*Weekly support to make the changes that will work for You!

Reverse the Disease Process by giving Your Body what it Needs. 

Expert Mentoring has been proven to Produce Results!

Also Includes: Lifetime Access to over 20 hours of Ayurvedic Instruction

Call Sophie @ 226-700-6806 to discuss options!




"My Life's Purpose is to Share the Healing Benefits of Ancient Knowledge from India; the most Holistic System of Enhancing Human Potential, through the Healing Arts of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Thai Massage."

Contact me on WhatsApp +52.446.103.5679

or email 

Please leave a message.

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